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What is occurring in our country is not a temporary fad or passing event. American Marxism exists, it is here and now...
Marxism does not tolerate the competition of ideas or political parties.
In America, many Marxists cloak themselves in phrases like “progressives,” “Democratic Socialists,” “social activists,” “community activists,” etc., as most Americans remain openly hostile to the name Marxism. They operate under myriad newly minted organizational or identifying nomenclatures, such as “Black Lives Matter” (BLM), “Antifa,” “The Squad,” etc. And they claim to promote “economic justice,” “environmental justice,” “racial equity,” “gender equity,” etc.
Ah, “the revolution.” Again, the objective is to control the schools and the curriculum, control the teachers and the classroom, and you will, in time, control the minds and hearts of the population. Is not that the state of affairs in education that we confront in the United States today?
Dewey (influential figure of American education), argued, as Marx had, that the nation’s youth must be freed from existing mores, values, belief systems, traditions, customs, and the like, through public education, and made ready for another sort of programming. And why not? The classroom provides a captive audience of millions of children, a perfect setting for Marxist-oriented indoctrination.
Dewey had condemned the educational system of his day and insisted on its conversion into a progressive-thought mill. While he attempted to portray his intentions as training students how to think, much like Socrates, in truth his ambition was the opposite: the indoctrination of children, much like Rousseau had hoped and Marx had demanded.
It also bears reminding that the early progressives, like their modern progeny, are the intellectual offspring of Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx. They share the overarching view that the individual must be subjugated to the greater community.
Of course, this is a core theme of Rousseau, Hegel, and Marx—that is, the individual must sacrifice his independence, free will, and personal pursuits to the greater good, and in that way not only will he become more fulfilled and self-realized, but the entire community will benefit as well. In America, capitalism and constitutionalism are ramparts that stand against Marxism and progressivism and, therefore, must be discredited and ultimately demolished.
This explains, in part, the push in the Democratic Party for free college education for all, or the canceling of student loans to encourage more attendance at colleges and universities. The purpose is less about teaching classical liberal education or science, technology, engineering, and mathematics to a larger number of students... than indoctrinating as many young people as possible to support their radical dogma.